When a customer walks into a restaurant they have certain expectations about the standards of the interior and the food and service they are likely to receive. These assumptions may have been influenced by the external appearance and decoration of the restaurant, the name of the restaurant, by looking at the displayed menu in the window or from hearing about other guest’s experiences. If all of these aspects scream out class, style, elegance and sophistication the last thing a customer would expect to see upon entering would be a tatty, dirty area with an array of sparsely decorated tables featuring only a plastic table cloth, a paper napkin and a solitary set of basic cutlery. The decoration of the interior of your restaurant must live up to expectations and be as memorable, eye catching and awe-inspiring as the exterior with the same quality and standards throughout.

Once a customer has walked through the doors the first elements they will notice are the wall decoration, the quality of the furniture and the layout design, the lighting, ambient music and the overall appearance and presentation of the staff. Each one of these aspects must make an impact on the customer and a positive statement regarding your business policies and beliefs and the experience which the customer can expect to receive when dining in your restaurant. Careful planning and consideration of all of these points inclusive of the smallest details that will sometimes have the biggest impact, will guarantee that the first impressions when entering your premises are that of excitement, awe and anticipation for the meal ahead. When the guests have been seated their focus and attention will mainly be directed and drawn towards the layout and decoration of the table. The design and features of the tables must also be as impressive as the decoration and the details, both externally and internally and the selection of the dishes that have been creatively designed and professionally hand selected to appear on the menu. Depending on the theme of your restaurant, the tables may be adorned with a variety of items personal and specific to the experience your restaurant is aiming to create. Whatever your final layout consists of you must ensure that the table is not cluttered, and any decoration is well chosen and delicately implemented.

Table Design

Table linens

There are many materials that can offer themselves to the role of table linen however your final selection should be in keeping with the standards that you set. Some materials are more suitable than others when dressing a table with the aim of a stylish and classy finish.

Cotton; this gives a chic look to any table setting and the weight enables the cloth to drape well however cotton is susceptible to staining and may often shrink once it has been laundered.

Paper or plastic; these materials are really only suitable in fast food restaurants or for outdoor catering functions. If placed in a stylish restaurant setting it will make the overall appearance seem cheap and will not in still confidence in the customer about the quality of the food that they will be served.

Polyester; this material has many of the same qualities as cotton but is more hard wearing in a tough restaurant environment. Polyester is more resilient to stains and is more durable throughout the laundering process. Although the choice of material is personal to your restaurant this is generally the most used and well recommended option.

The same principles apply to napkins that are laid at each place setting. All linens should be freshly laundered and crease free to create the desired effect on your customers. A wide range of colours are available to choose from enabling you to personalise any colour schemes to that of your restaurant design, image and logo. Some people opt to use a plain, neutral coloured table cloth and have a contrasting flash of colour in the napkins whilst others choose to make a bold statement with their table cloths and keep their napkins plain and simple. Whatever you decide is the perfect avenue for your business you should always have a spare stock of freshly laundered linens in case of any accidental spillages. This will enable you to change a table cloth between guests ensuring that all customers receive the same perfect first impression.

Table lighting

If intimacy is the effect you are aiming for, tea lights, lanterns or candles can create a romantic atmosphere. Open flames can be an issue in regard to fire safety, so artificial flames are an effective alternative that supply a natural flicker but without the hazards. Some restaurants decide that their main lighting is enough to create the desired effect and so choose to exclude any individual table lights from their design.

Table accessories

These accessories are personal to each restaurant and should be chosen with thought for the overall theme in mind. These items may include flowers or a small ornament etc. or any table lighting could be made into a decorative feature. Some restaurants do not incorporate any accessories and trust that the appearance and presence of their dinnerware accompanied by the overall ambience of the restaurant will speak volumes about the style and class of the business on their own. If you do utilise accessories you must ensure that any colours are in keeping with your overall theme and that whatever your chosen accessory is, it is delicate and simple but dramatically effective. Placing an intricate and over powering piece in the centre of your tables will create a cluttered feel to the finished appearance. When people dine in a restaurant they want to converse, look at each other and interact easily with other members of their party, not have their view obscured by some overly large decoration that they must peer around to see the person opposite. Experiment with some different ideas and samples to ensure that you create the ideal balance of decoration for your tables.


Depending on the type of menu that you serve you may only need to lay basic cutlery i.e. a starter set, soup spoon, main meal cutlery etc. If a steak or fish is ordered the appropriate knife can be placed at that person’s place setting before the meal is served. All cutleries should be clean, polished and tarnish free as the fact is that no one wants to eat with unsanitary cutlery and the effect that it may have on the reputation and opinion of your business could cause lasting damage. You should always stock a good supply of cutlery to guarantee that you never run short during busy service periods.

Wine glasses

An up market restaurant should place a glass for white wine and a glass for red wine at each individual place setting. A slightly more casual restaurant may only wish to place one wine glass per guest that can be used for either red or white wine. Other restaurants may decide not to lay wine glasses out at all and instead serve the customers drinks in the appropriate glasses directly from the bar to their table. Whatever you decide is the right option for your restaurant all glasses should be clean, polished, without smears or stubborn lipstick marks and chip or crack free.


The dinnerware that you choose and how you decide to lay it out can have a massive effect on how your restaurant and its quality are perceived. There are many different options and choices that should be considered to ensure that your table design is perfect for your restaurant and the image you are aiming to create.

Charger plates; these are available in different sizes and shapes to accommodate any restaurants colour scheme and image. Charger plates are typically approximately 12 inches in diameter and are used as a decorative plate and a base for other functional plates containing the food to be placed on and presented with maximum effect. They not only add a decorative and elegant feature but also a practical one as they protect table linens from any accidental spillages. Charger plates should never have food served directly on to them as the materials used for manufacture are not all ‘food safe’. Traditionally charger plates are laid at the table prior to any guests arriving and will provide a base for any starters and main courses to be served on to. The charger plates should then be cleared after the main course is completed along with all other dirty dinnerware and cutlery. The dessert is generally never served on to a charger plate. The benefits and features of a charger plate provide a perfect way to allow a restaurant to add colour, introduce decoration and involve texture to a table design and layout.

Plates, side plates, bowls and dishes; the vast range of materials, sizes, shapes and colours available on the market allows a restaurant the freedom to personally customise their table tops and create a unique look for their business. Obviously china is a sign and statement of style and expense but is not very durable in a busy restaurant and kitchen where frequent knocks can cause chipping and cracks. Replacing china dinnerware could prove to be more expensive than it is worth. The plates that you choose are required to withstand heavy use and must still look exquisite even after many cycles through the kitchen dish wash. Melamine dinnerware could provide a solution to your table dilemma. It is super strong plastic which although sounds cheap and tacky on the surface offers some excellent features which may make it a contender to be placed on your restaurant tables. Melamine dinnerware provides a scratch resistant surface that has the added feature of being shatterproof. It is inexpensive to purchase therefore making it cheap to replace. In addition to these positive aspects it is also available in a whole host of complementing colours and what puts the cherry on the cake is that melamine exhibits a glossy finish that strongly resembles real china dinnerware. Despite all of these positives there are also some negatives which must be taken into consideration and cannot be ignored. If you require microwave safe dinnerware then unfortunately melamine will not satisfy your needs. Although this material does not have the same texture as china, melamine alternatives may provide a potential option worth some thought. If neither of these options is suitable for your needs then consider porcelain ceramic as your potential dinnerware of choice. It combines the properties and appearance of china but with a degree of the durability available from melamine. Porcelain ceramic is the most widely used option in commercial restaurants as it is not only dishwasher safe but also safe to use in a microwave.

However you decide to decorate and adorn your restaurant tables with a little time, thought, consideration and perhaps a degree of trial and error, you are guaranteed to find the perfect look that demonstrates and reflects the quality and class that your restaurant prides its self on.