Lincat Chargrills

Last Updated: 7th May 2024

Find the full range of Lincat Chargrills, where exceptional cooking meets professional standards. Lincat, a leader in commercial kitchen equipment, offers a line of chargrills that are designed to elevate your culinary creations. These chargrills are not just about cooking; they are about creating an experience that sets premium cuisine apart.

Lincat electric chargrill with cooked food Lincat electric chargrill with cooked food

Lincat Electric Chargrills

Countertop chargrills for high heat cooking & authentic branding. Choose a range of size cooking areas & number of cooking zones.

Lincat gas chargrill with cooked food Lincat gas chargrill with cooked food

Lincat Gas Chargrills

Countertop gas chargrills with natural gas & LPG options for authentic branding. A choice of cooking area size & varying number of cooking zones.

Succulent Results & Authentic Branding With Lincat Gas & Electric Chargrills

Choosing a Lincat chargrill means opting for versatility in your kitchen. Whether grilling succulent steaks, vegetables, or seafood, these chargrills guarantee an even and consistent cooking experience, ensuring that every dish is a masterpiece. The chargrilled flavour is a unique taste that distinguishes high-quality cuisine.

Lincat chargrills are available in both gas and electric models, catering to the diverse needs of professional kitchens. You can select from natural gas or LPG options to best suit your kitchen’s energy preferences. The electric models require 3 phase hardwired connections.

One of the standout features of these chargrills is the precision cooking they offer. With controllable cooking zones, chefs can cook different items at their ideal temperatures simultaneously, increasing kitchen efficiency and ensuring consistent quality in every dish.

The size of the cooking area in Lincat chargrills varies, making them suitable for different kitchen sizes. From compact cafes to bustling restaurants, there is a Lincat chargrill designed to fit perfectly in your cooking space, ensuring that no matter the size of your establishment, you can experience the benefits of a Lincat chargrill.

Durability and reliability are at the heart of the Lincat manufacture. Each chargrill is constructed with robust materials, designed to withstand the rigours of a professional kitchen. This commitment to quality ensures that a Lincat chargrill is not just a purchase but a long-term investment in your culinary excellence.

Chargrilling with Lincat enhances the flavour of food, imparting a unique smoky taste that is synonymous with gourmet dining. This method of cooking not only tantalises taste buds but also offers healthier meal options, as it reduces the fat content in food. Additionally, the visual appeal of chargrilled food, with its distinctive charred lines, enhances the presentation of dishes, making them a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. A full range of Lincat griddles, Lincat salamander grills and Lincat contact grills and clam griddles are also available to complete any grill and griddle cooking station.

Lincat chargrills are an embodiment of quality and efficiency, essential for any professional kitchen looking to deliver exceptional culinary experiences.